Zachary Smith

Zachary Smith is the founder of Zachary is a licensed pest control professional with over 20 years of hands on experience eradicating pests from homes and businesses. Zachary earned his Bachelor of Science from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in 2002. He specializes in rodent and insect infestation management of structures and landscapes. His passion is to share his extensive knowledge with the world.

winter bugs in house

8 Bugs You Might See in Your House This Winter

The weather is getting colder, and you’re preparing to settle into your cozy house to take shelter during the chilliest months of the year. Unfortunately, annoying bugs may be thinking the same thing. Each winter, pests like cockroaches, flies, and stink bugs take shelter in homes and rapidly become indoor pests. Fortunately, there are ways …

8 Bugs You Might See in Your House This Winter Read More »

Ways to dispatch or kill a trapped animal

3 Humane Ways to Dispatch or Kill a Trapped Animal

So, you’ve got a pest problem, and you’re considering using traps to control the little critters. The question is, what happens next? Once you’ve trapped an animal, you typically need to dispatch, or euthanize, it. Here at The Pest Dude, we’ve been helping customers learn to do their own pest control for years. We’ve compiled …

3 Humane Ways to Dispatch or Kill a Trapped Animal Read More »

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